Tech by LLM
Laura L Martin
Resume - prior to 2000
Laura L. Martin
Corporate & Technical Resume
prior to 2000
Click here for work experience 2000 to present
Martin Enterprises (New York, NY)
From the late 1980s to the mid 1990s, I ran a small office and software services business, Martin Enterprises, which was a sole proprietorship with me as the only employee. I provided services in word processing, spreadsheet creation, database front-end design, software documentation, and software training.
LMA Business Solutions (New York, NY)
In 1996, I incorporated my consulting business as L. Martin Associates, Inc., dba LMA Business Solutions (“LMA”). I established the LMA brand as a small, boutique firm, and hired personnel for contract work at Fortune 500 companies and small businesses. LMA provided all the services as my previous business, but expanded into business analysis, process analysis and improvement, project management, software product management, customer support, and more. I employed and supervised a staff of 10, most of whom were technical writers trained by me and placed on projects at companies which were clients of LMA.
Clients of LMA
New York and New Jersey Multiple projects of varying lengths, 1996-2002
As President/Owner of this small consulting firm, I functioned in roles such as Supervising Manager, Project Manager, Business Strategist/Analyst, Marketing Consultant, Knowledge Manager/Technical Writer and Software Trainer. I trained, placed and managed technical writing consultants and office assistants at client firms.
Financial / FinTech
Merrill Lynch
Deutsche Bank
Nomura Securities
Bankers Trust
Financial Information Systems (FIS)
MJI Broadcasting
Level 8 Systems
Magna Software
Dynamo Development
Legiance Group
Data Security
CertCo (products for Public Key Infrastructure)
Small Business
Metamorphosis Training Systems (fitness)
Bronx Dance Theatre
Caring Touch Massage Therapy
The Florida Project (theatre org)
and others
On the following pages are some of the positions I held during this time period. Some positions were as a freelancer through other agencies. Others were through my own companies. All were relatively short term contracts, ranging from a few months to a year or more.
New York, NY Sep 2000 - Dec 2000
Technical Writer, Video Production
Consultant (through LMA) for this software development firm.
Developed training area of intranet website.
Documented product interface and basic system logic. All documentation in HTML with Javascript glossary term popups and other features.
Videotaped product design and engineering presentations given by developers, created MPEGS of these videos, and published to the intranet site for documentation purposes and to facilitate training of new hires.
New York, NY 1989 > 2001
Documentation Manager, Technical Writer
Between 1989 and 2001, employed as a consultant for a number of projects, ranging from 6 months to a year or more in duration. Designed and wrote user guides for the following departments:
R&D (1989-1991)
Financial Analysis Products Development (1997-2000, through LMA)
Cash Equity Trading Systems (2001, through LMA)
In the Cash Equity Trading Systems group, I managed three consultants hired through my company (LMA) for documentation projects.
New York, NY Jun 2000 - Aug 2000
Technical Writer
Consultant (through LMA, in partnership with Vona Information Systems) in the Wholesale Architecture software development group.
Developed “knowledge modules” (self-contained, transportable HTML documentation – one module for each product), used by the Enterprise Infrastructure Group in the Wholesale Bank.
New York, NY Fall 1997 - Spring 1998
Technical Writer, Consultant Manager
Consultant (through LMA) for this financial security software development firm. Designed user manuals for an electronic certifying authority product, and a micropayment system product.
Wrote all six manuals (for six different components of the system, used by six different groups of users) for the first version of the certifying authority product.
Wrote end-user manual for micropayment system product.
Managed three consultants hired through my own company for documentation and administrative projects.
New York, NY 1993 > 1999
Documentation Manager, Technical Writer
Between 1993 and 1999, employed as a consultant for a number of projects, ranging from 6 months to several years in duration. Designed and wrote user guides for the following departments:
Mutual Funds Product Development
Trading Floor Systems
Credit Portfolio Management
Market Risk Management (1993-1994)
Financial Services Technology
Global Assets (1997, through LMA)
Retirement Systems (1997, through LMA)
LMA contracts: For the Global Assets group, I managed three consultants hired through my company for documentation projects. For the Retirement Systems group, I managed two consultants hired through my company for documentation and QA projects.
From 1997 on, some work dates overlap for Bankers Trust and its subsidiaries Certco and Astratek, since I was managing or working on projects with all three companies over the dates listed above, through my own consulting firm (LMA).
New York, NY 1995-1996
Technical Writer, Trainer, Marketing, Video Production
Consultant (through LMA) for this small software design startup.
Designed and wrote user guides for a network sniffer/debugger/diagnostic application (versions for Sybase and Microsoft SQL Server).
Designed and wrote user guide for a software protection tool for encrypting EXEs, DLLs and other application files.
Designed & conducted training program for salespeople to learn about the company's products - how they functioned, how to speak about them.
Developed sales presentations and marketing video for trade show in San Diego. Participated in trade show as booth salesperson and presenter.
Reduced marketing expenses by $100,000 by designing, directing and producing a promotional video for a trade show at a fraction of the cost that client had previously paid to another advertising firm for an unsatisfactory result.
New York, NY Mar 1991 - Feb 1993
Technical Writer
Employee for this software development company (file transfer app).
Wrote user guides for Windows and Macintosh versions of a file transfer application, a product based on the LU 6.2 file transfer protocol.
Designed and wrote user guide for OS/2-based electronic software distribution application.
Wrote portions of and helped design screen layout for context-sensitive online help with hypertext software distribution product.
Proofed and edited user manuals for other platforms (mainframes, mid-range systems).
Tested file transfers between DOS and MVS versions of product.
Created data files for transfer, ran test scripts.
Conducted design analysis for intuitiveness and flow of all GUI applications.
New York, NY Mar 1990 > Mar 1991
Technical Writer
Periodic short-term contracts at this software development startup (financial modeling app), over the dates listed above. Provided technical writing services: Edited and wrote portions of a user guide for a spreadsheet/macro/circular reference conversion application, which allowed for automatic, error-free conversions from Lotus 1-2-3 to Microsoft Excel for Windows.
New York, NY 1990 > 1991
Technical Writing/Documentation, Desktop Publishing
Periodic short-term contracts at this software development startup, over the dates listed above. Designed layouts for and wrote documentation for several Windows products, during the years listed above. Applications included Dawn, a product designed for medical examination for the Angiotec Corporation, and Fax, an online fax application for use with Windows. Hardware: IBM/DOS platform. Primary Software: Word for Windows.
New York, NY 1989 - 1990
Documentation Consultant and Software Trainer
Hired as a consultant through my own company, Martin Enterprises. Conducted software training - one-on-one and small group classes. Developed and wrote user guides for the following:
Tips & Tricks for Lotus 123 to WordPerfect 5.0 Table Conversion
Tips & Tricks for WordPerfect 5.0
Tips & Tricks for WordPerfect 5.1
DOS Mini-Manual
Quattro Pro Training Manual
New York, NY 1988
Short-term consulting position to update documentation on a financial project.
New York, NY 1988
Administrative & Data Entry
Short-term consulting position for a project at this actuarial services firm.
Spreadsheet design and data entry in Excel (first version, Windows 286/386).
Designed spreadsheets, presentations and other graphics on an Apple Macintosh computer, using Cricket Graph and various graphics tools.
New York, NY 1988
Database Front-End Design, Technical Writing, Training
Consultant for a short term project at this financial services firm.
Designed front-end of a financial database, using dBase III Plus interface layout and form/masking features. (No back-end coding.)
Wrote documentation for accessing, editing and appending database, and for sorting and printing various reports.
Trained managers to use database.
New York, NY 1987-1988
Administrative Assistant, Software Support, Database Setup
Assisted managers of Strategic Planning Department with general office duties.
Designed database in PC-File+ for cataloging report files. Trained managers to use database.
Designed key procedures and macros in PC-File+, MultiMate and WordPerfect.
Trained 10-member staff in DOS and MultiMate in group class. Trained new senior staff assistant in DOS, Lotus 1-2-3, WordPerfect, TSO, and PARS (TWA reservations/online purchasing/telex/file-sharing mainframe system, internal program designed by TWA programmers).
Wrote and compiled large reference manual of tech support guides for software packages and of department procedures for office management.
Provided tech support in MultiMate, WordPerfect, PC-File+, and DOS. Hardware support included installing and reseating cards, cleaning card contacts, etc.
Developed documentation/user guides: DOS User Guide, MultiMate User Guide, Strategic Planning Department Procedures.
New York, NY 1987
Documentation Compiler and Editor
Short-term consultant. Compiled the FUNDS/NET user manual.
New York, NY 1987
Administrative Assistant, Document Management, Database Setup
Short-term temp work.
Developed new document and disk management system, involving classification, organization, storage and filing for this law firm. System was implemented office-wide.
Trained staff to use new system and wrote instructions on procedures for staff reference.
Set up database in dBase III for organizing clients and sorting entries according to attorney, client last name, case, account, etc.
Provided tech support in MultiMate and DOS.
New York, NY 1986
Database Front-End Design and Medical Transcription
Short-term consultant for this HMO medical services company.
Transcribed recordings of doctors' reports for this diagnostic center and medical clinic.
Designed extensive key procedures (macros) in MultiMate to speed up transcription process.
Designed database in dBase III Plus for listing patients and sorting records according to patient last name, doctor, file number, disability, etc., using dBase III Plus interface layout and masking features (no coding).
Wrote documentation for accessing, editing and appending database, and for sorting and printing various reports.
Trained staff on how to use database. Also trained office staff in DOS, MultiMate and dBase III Plus.
Provided tech support in MultiMate, dBase, and DOS.
New York, NY 1985 > 1989
Administrative Work
In between the projects detailed in the sections above, worked as a temp for numerous companies. Tasks included word processing, spreadsheets, database, etc. Positions lasted anywhere from one day to several months.
Work Experience from 2000 to present (includes education and more)